Blog EAL

Why buy your merchandise in china?
Why buy your merchandise in china? 1024 513 EAL

Without a doubt, China is one of the best options to create commercial relations abroad, its vast experience, financial growth and its evolution in the market, confirm to us what the future of our investments is. CONSTANT EVOLUTION IN THE MARKET There is a great variety of types of businesses or companies to manage, offering…

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Save time and focus your resources
Save time and focus your resources 1024 513 EAL

The marketing process can often seem overwhelming, from preparing the paperwork, properly packing your goods, and following all the regulations set by regulatory bodies around the world. There are many things you need to consider, such as where your products are marketed, where they are going to be sold, and which countries they will pass…

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Save like big companies
Save like big companies 1024 513 EAL

The consolidation service consists of the grouping of different loads, with different or equal packages, belonging to different companies. These goods that share the same destination or route, are transported within the same transport unit. With this, it is possible to eliminate the duplication of personnel and processes necessary for distribution, as well as medium…

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Has doubts? Keys between a Fiscal Warehouse and a General Warehouse of deposit.
Has doubts? Keys between a Fiscal Warehouse and a General Warehouse of deposit. 1024 513 EAL

The fiscal warehouse is the storage of products, of national or foreign origin, in warehouses authorized by customs. In order for these warehouses to function, they must comply with the terms and requirements indicated by law. General warehouses are empowered to receive merchandise and store them for as long as the owner decides. They are…

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How to choose a Freight Forwarder?
How to choose a Freight Forwarder? 1024 513 EAL

Here are some points that are important when considering working with a forwarder: Do you have the ability to handle international business? It is important that you have multiple means of transportation, as well as multiple contracts, as this ensures that your cargo is shipped on time. Can you handle your product? Make sure you…

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What type of company do you have?
What type of company do you have? 1024 513 EAL

To turn your logistics into a competitive strategy, you must have defined what type of business you have, we share the two most common business models that exist within the medium. B2B (terms) Business to Business. Business-to-business trade, also called “Business to Business” or “B2B” represents the integration of the internal business processes of a…

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Advantages of outsourcing to a company
Advantages of outsourcing to a company 1024 513 EAL

Companies have increasingly chosen to delegate processes to a specialized provider in order to focus on their core business. Having our financial outsourcing will bring great benefits to your company: COSTS REDUCTION Collaboration with EAL will save costs such as those associated with investment in infrastructure, or the hiring of new workers. FOCUSING ON THE…

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Increase increase the profitability of your company
Increase increase the profitability of your company 1024 513 EAL

The first step for this new project will be to objectively analyze the reality of your business. In what moment are you? What direction do you want me to take? To reach a new goal it is important to know where you are and where you want to go. It is important that you define…

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Why shouldn’t you underestimate the products you import from China?
Why shouldn’t you underestimate the products you import from China? 1024 513 EAL

What happens if the cargo is lost or damaged? The insurance will only pay you for what is declared in the commercial invoice and not for the total real value, then, you will have lost money. Undervaluing the merchandise means that customs will be constantly monitoring it, and that will always be a delay in…

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From China to Guatemala, step by step.
From China to Guatemala, step by step. 1024 513 EAL

We work as a team so that the commercial course in Guatemala continues. We share with you a list of steps to be able to put your business in world trade. Having a reliable company, with trained personnel and enough experience in these procedures, such as EAL. Perform a supplier search to find Chinese manufacturers.…

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