What type of company do you have?

What type of company do you have?

What type of company do you have? 1024 513 EAL

To turn your logistics into a competitive strategy, you must have defined what type of business you have, we share the two most common business models that exist within the medium.

B2B (terms) Business to Business.
Business-to-business trade, also called “Business to Business” or “B2B” represents the integration of the internal business processes of a company through the network. It is about managing the purchase and sale of material between distributors and suppliers.

B2C (terms) Business to Consumer
B2C is a concept linked to marketing that derives from the English term Business to Consumer, which is the name given to the companies that direct their services and products to the end customer, unlike B2B or Business to Business, where supplier companies work with other companies and not with the final consumer.