Do you know if your load is Bonded?

Do you know if your load is Bonded?

Do you know if your load is Bonded? 1024 513 EAL

We explain a little about what this term means, and how it could affect you when your merchandise is moved.

When you have a cargo that reaches customs in the US, but the cargo duties have not yet been paid, it remains under customs control until the applicable taxes and duties are cleared. In certain cases, an authorized freight company may move your shipment from Customs to that company’s warehouse, where it will be stored as Bonded cargo.

Businesses licensed to trade Bonded Cargo have the flexibility to act in ways your business simply couldn’t. One of these flexibilities is precisely the ability to transfer your cargo from US customs to your own Bonded warehouse. EAL can offer you this and more. Write to us and see how we can optimize your logistics chain.