What type of cargo is suitable for your company, ltl or ftl?

What type of cargo is suitable for your company, ltl or ftl?

What type of cargo is suitable for your company, ltl or ftl? 1024 513 EAL

The industry offers different options of services when carrying out goods transfers, these vary depending on the weight, dimensions and volume. In addition to the specific requirements by product class and delivery times or emergencies indicated by our consignees or clients in the destination country.

The LTL (Less Than Truck Load) or consolidated mode is a profitable and comfortable option for exporters, since the comprehensive services they require within their logistics cycle are provided, such as: collections, deliveries, shipment coordination, storage, maneuvers, inventory controls, advice and customs procedures, custody among others. This modality is constantly used by companies and industrial sectors of all sizes and lines of business.

The FTL (Full Truck Load) or complete truck is a personalized, profitable and fast option for exporters or importers who require the use of a complete equipment due to the volume, weight, specifications of their products or delivery times agreed with their clients.